Restore your Normal Oral Function with TMJ Specialist Scarborough

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joints. TMJ disorders are a collective group of problems that restrict your mouth from opening and closing and moving side to side smoothly.

At Dentistry at Consilium, we have qualified dentists and certified TMJ specialists who can diagnose and treat TMJ issues. If you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, tightness, or a clicking sound in your jaw, you should consult a TMJ specialist in Scarborough immediately.

TMJ issues can arise due to several reasons. While minor disorders can be treated by a simple change in habits or lifestyle, severe TMJ disorders require special devices, tools, and medications.

TMJ is mostly caused due to excessive grinding of your teeth, a phenomenon known as bruxism. This puts a strain on your jaw muscles, causing tension and wearing off your teeth. Using a mouthguard can be helpful in this case. It’s a proprietary guard that eases tension in your jaw muscles.

In some other cases, surgery may be necessary by a TMJ specialist in Scarborough to alleviate pain, discomfort, and further complications.

A Smile as Unique as You

Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

A TMJ disorder doesn’t refer to a single issue, but a family of problems. Any one or combination of the following symptoms may indicate a TMJ disorder:

  • Stiff and sore muscles around jaws or teeth
  • Frequent headaches or neck aches
  • A clicking sound from the jaw bone when opening or closing the mouth
  • Grinding or clenching teeth while sleeping or awake
  • Highly sensitive or worn-out teeth
  • Pain when opening the jaw or biting into hard foods
  • Difficulty in opening or shutting jaws due to a general sense of tightness
  • A medical history of arthritis

Treatment of TMJ Disorders

The treatment for TMJ depends on the severity and cause of your disorder. In most cases, a combination of lifestyle changes and professional assistance is enough to treat the disorder. Some self-care techniques that may be useful for TMJ disorders are:

Correcting your posture (sit up straight and avoid slouching)

Avoiding extreme jaw movements like yawning, chewing, yelling, or singing

Learning relaxation techniques to loosen up your jaw

Learning exercises to stretch your jaw

Learning stress management techniques

If these lifestyle changes aren’t enough to treat your disorder, our TMJ specialist in Scarborough may prescribe the following treatments:

Muscle relaxants, anti-anxiety medicines, anti-inflammatories, and antidepressants

Mouthguards and splints are plastic mouthpieces that prevent your upper and lower teeth from clenching and grind

Our dentists may also use dental work to replace missing teeth with crowns, bridges, and braces to correct your bite problem.

When all non-invasive measures fail, our TMJ specialist Scarborough may recommend:

Orthodontics, or treatments for irregularities in your teeth and jaw

Open jaw surgery

We Specialize in TMJ Disorders Treatment in Scarborough

If you live in Scarborough and are experiencing problems around your jawbone, get in touch with our clinic. Our dentists and TMJ specialists Scarborough have years of experience in diagnosing and treating TMJ problems and improving your bite.

Contact us by filling out the form below and schedule an appointment with one of our specialists.

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