Fast, Comfortable Tooth Extractions

Tooth extractions are necessary for many reasons and are generally a last resort at our practice if all other restorative procedures have been unsuccessful. While many patients believe that tooth extractions are painful and complex, these procedures can actually be completed relatively quickly and comfortably! Tooth extractions are designed to eliminate tooth pain and infection and restore the mouth back to proper oral health before other teeth or areas of the mouth are affected. We have many years of experience performing tooth extractions in Scarborough, ON and utilize modern dental tools to help improve the comfort and safety of your procedure. While we understand that it is never ideal to lose a natural tooth, having a problem tooth removed by dental professionals is recommended to ensure that your smile remains healthy and free from any unnecessary pain!

Common Reasons For Tooth Extractions

  • Severely decayed teeth
  • Dental trauma
  • Tooth crowding
  • Impacted teeth

Return To A Healthy, Pain-Free Smile With Comfortable Tooth Extractions!

What To Except With Tooth Extractions

Our tooth extractions can help ease any tooth pain you may be experiencing or create room for new or existing teeth to shift into proper position. The process for having a tooth removed is relatively simple. After the treatment site has been fully numbed, we will carefully loosen and lift the tooth from the socket. With numbing agents, most patients only feel a slight pressure as the tooth is removed. Once the tooth is removed, you will experience slight bleeding that will eventually clot, but can be controlled by biting down on gauze. If you wish to replace your tooth after an extraction, for either cosmetic or functional reasons, we offer a variety of restorative options at our Scarborough, ON office, including dental implants. Considered one of the most beneficial and long-term tooth replacement options, dental implants have helped patients return to a complete and healthy smile, often the day of their tooth extractions!

Tooth Extraction Services

Helping Smiles Remain Healthy and Pain Free